Thank You: Christmas production 2016

To all involved in our Christmas production we say THANK YOU SO MUCH.  In appreciation we invite you to come along to Stackallen Tennis Club for a thank you party on Friday 15th January at 9p.m. Please let Maree our secretary know if you can attend as there will be a hot meal supplied.

We have just started to put ideas together for our Spring production which will take place in the TLT Drogheda April 22nd 23rd. 24th.   This show promises to have some very special items for a memorable week end of entertainment for all ages.  We will have the usual mix of song dance and comedy and this year we are doing a piece on the 1916 Rising which  will include some of our cast from our 2015 Christmas production. Also we are calling on Revels  LADIES from down the years to be part of a very special Choral Piece being directed and produced by Tina Price Lynch.  To find out more please come along to a meeting in Rathkenny Hall on Monday night 18th. January at 7p.m.  If you cannot attend this meeting but would like to get involved please contact our Secretary Maree White (Details below).

First Rehearsal for the children’s and young adult chorus is starting Monday night 12th. January at 7p.m. in Rathkenny Hall and will continue for  the next number of weeks